Foster M.E., Gaschler A., Giuliani M., Isard A., Pateraki M., Petrick R., 2012. “Two People Walk Into a Bar”: Dynamic Multi-Party Social Interaction with a Robot Agent. In Proc. of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 22-26 October, Santa Monica, CA, USA.
We introduce a humanoid robot bartender that is capable of dealing with multiple customers in a dynamic, multi-party social setting. The robot system incorporates state-of-the-art components for computer vision, linguistic processing, state management, highlevel reasoning, and robot control. In a user evaluation, 31 participants interacted with the bartender in a range of social situations. Most customers successfully obtained a drink from the bartender in all scenarios, and the factors that had the greatest impact on subjective satisfaction were task success and dialogue efficiency.